Just a few quick notes for today...
For a good weekend read, I'd recommend this blog tracking all the US Olympians who are also members of our Armed Forces. The blog's main site, MilitaryTimes.com, highlighted one of the quietest stories of the Games has been Glenn Eller of the Army winning the gold medal in the double trap shooting finals.
On another note, I adjusted some of the links here on the main blog page. Instead of having media outlets like the Arizona Republic and the Boston Globe featured, I'm going to start linking to the columnists that are what make those papers such good reads. The first batch features award-winning journalists Bill Plaschke of the Los Angeles Times, Tim Cowlishaw of the Dallas Morning News, Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe, and Terry Pluto of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Cowlishaw and Plaschke are regularly featured on ESPN's Around the Horn. Shaughnessy gives a lot of insight to the Boston Red Sox and other Boston sports area, though the Sox are his specialty. Pluto, in addition to writing regular columns on the Cleveland area teams, also writes on subjects of faith for the Dealer and has quickly become a favorite of mine even though I hold no affinity for Cleveland sports teams. He is also occasionally featured on Hugh Hewitt's nationally syndicated talk radio show.
I've also added the mainstream media links like FOX Sports and the Sporting News, but may end up replacing them with a sports news gadget available from Blogger.
great ideas man keep 'el coming