Just a quick post for today with more on this topic tomorrow...
Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen told reporters on Sunday that he tells his pitchers to deliberately hit batters at times. While brushback pitches and retaliatory actions are common in baseball, a manager admitting that he orders certain actions like these is unheard of. It can potentially spark on-field brawls (like Chicago's game Sunday), the league can find and suspend players, etc.
The sportsmanship of the game is in question when a manager calls for an intentional hit on a batter and the action that usually follows (brawling) takes away from the game.
What do you think? Does brawling take away from the game? Do brushback pitches and hit batsmen?
i think that brawling is bad. it's good to see people care about the game, but retaliation happens because people are too proud.