This is the main entry plaza, just beyond the scoreboard in center. The Orioles' retired numbers are here, most notably, Cal Ripken's #8.
The Eutaw Street concourse along right field. This is where the fans hang out inside Camden. The building on the right used to be the B&O Railroad's main office, but now serves as the team office building. There's a pretty good pub on the bottom floor. Also on this concourse is Boog's Barbeque, considered some of the best non-hot dog ballpark food in baseball.
This area is between the Eutaw concourse and the right field wall (it acts as an overlook of sorts.) There are a ton of flagpoles here, corresponding to the current baseball standings. Many a home run ball lands in this spot.
Pickles Pub, just across the street from Camden. Pickles is the Orioles equivalent to Boston's Cask n' Flagon. One of the great things with the East Coast clubs is that they are better meshed with the community. In LA, the ballparks are surrounded by parking lots and the game is like an event. You pay your ticket, you go, you see the game, you leave. On the East Coast, it's an experience. You might stop by the neighborhood bar for Happy Hour before the game and most fans take public transit to the ballpark, so many fans end up talking about the game with each other on the ride home. Some Western cities like Phoenix, Denver, and San Diego are making attempts at recreating the neighborhood vibe of the East Coast parks, but it still isn't as prevalent.
The front entrance to Camden.
The view from my seats. I think it was Section 332, but I forget. Seats went for $35-40 on StubHub (thanks M.H. for the tip)
Part 2 of my Camden photos will come next week.
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