Great article on The Boston Globe's website yesterday that shows one of the things Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling does off the field. Most known for his bloody sock during the 2004 ALCS playoff series and his work to fight ALS, or Lou Gherig's Disease, Curt is also an avid videogamer and is developing his own online game, similar in style to the massively popular "World of Warcraft". He's developing this game, set to debut in 2010, with R.A. Salvatore and Todd McFarlane, known master writers in fantasy genres.
What's great about this article is that it further shows an athlete doing great things off the ballfield. Athletes have personal lives as much as anybody else and while the sports world is engulfed with the Michael Vick investigation and the NBA referee scandal, it's good to see that there are athletes who contribute to society in a positive way not involving their athletic abilities. While athletic heroics (Schilling in 2004, Luis Gonzalez in 2001) and blunders (Bill Buckner in the late 80's) are remembered for years, the off-field ventures can add to society, even something as simple as an online videogame.
Here's the link to the Globe article: http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2007/07/25/for_gamester_schilling_a_new_play/?page=2
I think he's a blogger, too. Sorry for no link; I haven't come across it yet.